Personal, Social, Health, and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) – Sixth Form
PSHCE is about equipping students for the skills they will need on their journey through Harefield Sixth Form and into the next stage of the careers.
PSHCE is about being a moral and responsible citizen able to interact socially with others in a variety of settings.
It is about good thinking, good living – these are life skills.
Students will be taught to recognise what they can achieve and how to get there in a one hour timetabled lesson a week. Students will:
Sixth Form students will develop skills of academic reading, articulation of ideas and facts, resilience and effective working practices.
Please see the schedule below for the 2022 – 2023 PSHCE Curriculum Overview.
The curriculum is designed to be accessible for pupils with Special Educational Needs and disabilities, in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014
Sixth Form PSHCE Overview
Contact Us
Please use the relevant details below to contact our office.
Our office opens at 8am and closes at 4pm. Any calls after that will be tended to the next working day. If your child is a member of Harefield School, they will be able to contact their teachers by using their school Gmail account, or via Google Classroom.