Careers Education & Year 11 next steps

Policy Statement of Careers Guidance at Harefield School

It is vitally important to all students at Harefield School that they are fully supported and guided through the process of planning their futures. To this end the school aim is to ensure that a full programme of Careers Education and Guidance following the Gatsby Charitable Foundation benchmarks, is included for all students from years 7 – 13 in all aspects of school planning. Every student and their parents will have access to good quality information about future study options.

The eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are as follows:

  • A stable careers programme
  • Learning from career and labour market information
  • Addressing the needs of each pupil
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Encounters with employers and employees
  • Experiences of workplaces
  • Encounters with further and higher education
  • Personal guidance

The School work collaboratively alongside The Education Development Trust in order to ensure all students have different personal career guidance throughout their time at The School. Students should fully understand the range of learning opportunities available to them, both Academic and Vocational routes and Apprenticeships at Post 16 and 18.

The careers advisor, Maria Hayford Fynn, will be working in The School on Mondays from September to March.

A programme of careers education has been embedded within the curriculum, which will help students to develop the knowledge and skills to understand themselves, research career/training opportunities and make decisions so allowing them to move successfully onto the next stage. Every student has the opportunity to receive careers advice through a range of media including through topics covered in PSHE and subject specific careers advice, assemblies, external contribution (EDT), trips and workshops.

Outlined below are key events that make up a significant part of the careers programme:

Year 7

  • Term 2 PSHE – Self Awareness and determination to succeed. Identifying our own skills and qualities
  • All students in Year 7 attend a presentation from an employer where they hear more about the world of work and pathways to different careers. The School works with a variety of local and national employers, most recently the NHS.

Year 8

  • Term 3 PSHE – Understanding Business and the finance industry.
  • All students in Year 8 can attend a trip to KidZania to allow students to get prepared for the world of work and explore a hands-on approach to different professions.

Year 9

  • Options Evening and advice from Careers advisor during this event prior to submitting final options
  • Term 2 PSHE – Future options for you. To include CV writing and University allocation
  • All students in Year 9 attend a presentation from an employer where they hear more about the world of work and pathways to different careers. The School works with a variety of local and national employers, most recently the NHS.

Year 10

  • Term 1 PSHE – Career guidance and exam study skills in preparation for Year 10 Mock exam weeks
  • Apprenticeship Fair and ASK lead apprenticeship assembly (Amazing apprenticeships)
  • All students in Year 10 attend presentations from a range of employers across a variety of industry sectors where they hear more about the world of work and pathways to different careers. We work with a variety of local and national employers, from the NHS through to other trade and organisations including London Fashion Academy.
  • Meet the Employer Event with information from employers across a range of industries.

Year 11

  • Term 2 PSHE – Employment ready.
  • All Year 11 students are supported as they make the transition beyond Year 11 to further education and training.
  • All students receive a one-to-one Sixth Form/College Options guidance session with EDT.
  • The school’s Into the Sixth Evening provides valuable information about life in the Sixth Form.
  • Apprenticeship Fair and follow up workshop/assembly session lead by ASK (Amazing apprenticeships)

Sixth Form

  • PSHE delivered through tutor time and assemblies to cover UCAS preparation, Gap years, Work experience, personal statements and Volunteering
  • All Year 13 students are supported as they make the transition beyond Year 13 to further education and training. All students can receive one-to-one next step guidance sessions with EDT.
  • Students applying to university are supported to attend at least two universities in order to learn more about their chosen courses and the different university provision on offer to them. School links with Brunel University to support University transition.
  • In Year 12 , all students are supported to organise their own workplace visits in July. This plays a key role in their future applications to apprenticeships and universities. They are also encouraged to complete weekly work experience throughout sixth form, alongside their studies.

For further information regarding careers please contact the following members of the Careers team – Mr Steven Fish – Assistant Headteacher with oversight of careers: Steven Fish

Maria Hayford Fynn– Careers Advisor:

Contact Us

Please use the relevant details below to contact our office.

Our office opens at 8am and closes at 4pm. Any calls after that will be tended to the next working day. If your child is a member of Harefield School, they will be able to contact their teachers by using their school Gmail account, or via Google Classroom.